Navaratri Celebrations & Aksharabhyasam

Navaratri Celebrations and Aksharabhyasam at Dr. G. S. K.

Trio Celebration @ Dr.G.S.Kalyanasundaram Memorial School brought festive aura of Navaratri, Saraswathi pooja and Aksharabhyasam in the school campus resplendently, spreading the aroma of spirituality and morality.

Special Poojas, Shloka recitals and Bhajans were performed from 17.10.2020 to 26.10.2020 in the school campus and experienced the power of almighty with our ever supporting parents also joining us.

Aksharabhyasam - the initiation of education to a child by his parents and guru was offered on the auspicious day of 26.10.2020. A music ensemble was performed by our students and the Art Department teachers. Followed by which, the tiny tots were made to sit along with their parents , holding the childs right hand fore-finger were made to write the word OM on the bed of paddy followed by Tamil Alphabets. The overwhelming joy of the cherubic kids left the audience with a joyous smile.

Parents along with their wards visited the Montessori wing and spent their precious time with their kids. As a part of Navaratri celebration, LKG to Grade 8 students shared their videos of Shloka Recitation, Classical Dance and Bhajan Songs.

The huge success of this celebration solely depends on the benediction of our noble Chairman Shri. G. K. Ramamurthy , our Dynamic CEO, Mr. Murali Rao and also the colossal support given by our Principal Ms. A.M. Jayanthi.