

The school offers world - class education, taking the hopes, dreams and needs of the student community to soaring heights. The curriculum combines a multitude of traditional and contemporary courses to provide optimal educational experience.

At Dr. G S K the Curriculum offered enables the children to develop competencies related to learning that stay with them forever. Our curriculum is designed to provide opportunity for the learner to develop and grow from strength to strength. We not only teach the planned syllabus but we prioritize the learners choice, either in arts, sports or academics. We let students chose what's best for them.

We nurture your child's academic and co - curricular interests by steering them aptly to derive success. At the higher levels we prepare students to compete in global platform by exposing them to different competitive exams. Thus we develop and harness the potential in every child in their area of core competency.

Shiksha & Enrichment

Who says learning has to end at four pm?

We don't think learning should end with the school working hours. Through our Shiksha and Enrichment Programs, we offer a wide variety of after-school activities and classes that allow students to build their skill and pursue their passions in academics, athletics, fine arts, and other areas of interest. Led by an experienced team of educators, coaches, and professional artists, our extended day activities inspire, challenge, and entertain all in a safe and controlled environment.